Diamonds Are Truly Forever

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on November 8, 2007 by johnqbk

This I think is a must see, especially first to those of  African descent. I couldn’t help but to feel enraged by half way through. I decided to do something and this is my first step, bringing awareness. If you are moved by this video then do something by passing it on and sharing it with as much people as possible. 

You can check out more fact, truth and eye-opening videos at the following site. Thank you.


The Misunderstood

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on November 6, 2007 by johnqbk

Most see a world of only bad and good

but welcome to another called the misunderstood

where to witness of its insights is usually hard to bare

and the echoes of its truth are usually hard to hear

some may take notice and even pretend to care

but you can tell that their lost from distant or absent stares

but when truths are seen and its insights heard

then ventues in the blind flock def to another word

to the world where imagination and genius be

we have all been there the you and the me.


Posted in Uncategorized on November 4, 2007 by johnqbk

This blogg is basically about helping ourselves to find and get whatever it is we want out of life. We are about providing the inspiration and encouragement in making and continuing the steps to our destinies. All of this is done by simply asking the right questions and getting new and meaningful insights that will inspire the right reactions. Along the way on our journey we will also discuss any range of subjects and draw from them all. So drop in and share and let’s all begin.